Card Type: MiniBoss
Version: FK
Product Module: FK Core Set
Solo Statline
Actions: 2
Strength: 4
Range: 3
Gang Statline
Actions: 0
Strength: 0
Range: 0
Gang Size: 1
MiniBoss Monster: Trent
Card Type: Treant Kodama
Rank: MiniBoss
Model Size: Large
Gender: Neither
Movement: 6
Actions: 8
Armor 3
Immune: Poison
A model with Immune: Poison ignores and immediately removes all counters and/or the affects of Poison.
+1ST STR, if target model is suffering Poison.
Breath of Dream
Cost: 0
Type: Offense
Attribute: Strength
Lance 8, SLOW
Fae Curse
Cost: 1
Type: Support
Attribute: Strength
Flavor Text: Young by treant standards Trent was always a bad seed. Rooted in the faery-haunted Mistmourn Coast, he was always cranky and inclined to distrust. Even so, Trent was slow to anger as the mischievous fae lurking in the mists would tease and taunt him.
After several centuries the young treant could stand it no longer, uprooting and wreaking vengeance upon the playful fae. Once his fury was unleashed it was as long-lived as the Fae Wood itself. In the end, it was remarkably