Herald of Vulcanis FK

    Herald of Vulcanis FK

    Card Type: MiniBoss
    Version: FK
    Product Module: FK Core Set
    Play Mode: Arcade
    Solo Statline
    Actions: 2
    Strength: 4
    Range: 4
    Gang Statline
    Actions: 0
    Strength: 0
    Range: 0

    Gang Size: 1
    MiniBoss Monster: Herald of Vulcanis
    Card Type: Faerie Dragon
    Rank: MiniBoss
    Model Size: Small
    Gender: Masculine
    Movement: 8
    Actions: 6
    Armor 4
    Immune: Fire
    A model with Immune: Fire ignores and immediately removes all counters and/or the affects of Fire.
      Flaming Javelin
      Cost: 0
      Type: Offense
      Attribute: Strength
      +1ST STR, FIRE
        Cost: 0
        Type: Support
        Attribute: Attack
        AUGMENT, Aura 2, +1ST ARM
          Flavor Text: Lord Vulcanis was cast from the marble halls of Celestia due to his fiery temper and bellicose nature. Since his fall he has focused his considerable might on destroying the Celestians' realm. Filled with fury at his continued failure, he has sent his Heralds across Crystalia to rally the dark races to his banner and subjugate those who would oppose him.