Giri FK

    Giri FK

    Card Type: Creep
    Version: FK
    Product Module: FK Core Set
    Play Mode: Arcade
    Solo Statline
    Actions: 1
    Strength: 2
    Range: 3
    Gang Statline
    Actions: 0
    Strength: 0
    Range: 0

    Gang Size: 1
    Creep Monster: Giri
    Card Type: Faerie
    Rank: Creep
    Model Size: Small
    Gender: Either
    Movement: 5
    Actions: 1
    Armor 0
    If a Hero is on the same dungeon tile as a model with Insignificant it may be activated in addition to any other monsters that are activated during the Consul Turn. A model may not draw a loot card for destroying a model with Insignificant.
      New Crop
      Cost: 0
      Type: Support
      Attribute: Attack
      Place 1 Mook or Kinoshroom from the spawning pool adjacent to Giri.
        Flavor Text: Giri are capricious faeries, even when not under the influence of the Dark Consul. Lovers of cultivated crops, Giri travel throughout Crystalia in large swarms, seeking farmsteads with delicious greens to devour. Farmers who make offerings to the Giri are blessed with a bumper crop. Those who do not see their fields consumed as though struck by a plague of locusts.