Obscenity Against the Goddess 2.0 PP

    Obscenity Against the Goddess 2.0 PP

    Card Type: Plot Card
    Version: 2.0 PP
    Product Module: 2.0 Pet Parade
    Plot: Spawn a number of Creeps equal to the number of the party's unspent Princess Coins, minus one. These Creeps are spawned within three squares of the SPAWNLOCATION square on the second tile. Place one of the party's unspent Princess Coins beside each Plot Creep; these coins move with the Creep and may not be used until the party regains them. When a Plot Creep is destoyed or leaves the board, place its coin on the space it had occupied.

    A Hero occupying the same space as a coin may take an interact action to place the coin back in the party's backpack. A dungeon boss or mini-boss occupying the same space as a coin may take an interact action to discard it from play. Discard this plot when no Princess Coins remain on the board; the Party draws one Treasure and one Loot.