Tracking Spell, The 2.0 PP

    Tracking Spell, The 2.0 PP

    Card Type: Plot Card
    Version: 2.0 PP
    Product Module: 2.0 Pet Parade
    Plot: Place a crystal token on each Hero's card. A Hero adjacent to any dungeon exit may take an interact action to roll their DEX or WILL (their choice). If they roll two or more stars, their crystal token is discarded. Once all of these tokens are removed from play, discard this plot.

    At the end of every Consul power-up phase, starting the turn this card was drawn, spawn two Creeps for each crystal token that is still in play. These Creeps are asapwned within four squares of the Start token, as close to the Hero with the most wrath as possible.
    Flavor Text: This rock keeps away monsters, he said. Only two copper, he said...