Guardians 2.0 PP

    Guardians 2.0 PP

    Card Type: Plot Card
    Version: 2.0 PP
    Product Module: 2.0 Pet Parade
    Plot: Starting with the last tile and working backwards, spawn one Creep adjacent to one dungeon exit in each tile. Repeat this until there are a number of Creeps in play equal to twice the number of Heroes. When a Hero destroys a Plot Creep, place a crystal token on the Hero's card. When every Hero has two crystal tokens, discard this plot.

    Heroes with fewere than two crystal tokens on their card may not wound spawning points.
    Flavor Text: The runes to undo the magical barrier were dispersed through the dungeon, carried away by all manner of tiny, gibbering things. Search every nook, look under every rock...