Might Makes Right 2.0 PP

    Might Makes Right 2.0 PP

    Card Type: Challenge
    Version: 2.0 PP
    Product Module: 2.0 Pet Parade
    Trap: Spawn two Creeps within three squares of each spawning point.
    Challenge: All Heroes must use their STR for all defense rolls.
    Flavor Text: Gront shouted his rage at the Dark Consul. He threw down his axe and tore off his shirt, and dared the minions of darkness to send forth their mightiest champions to test their strength against his.

    The ground shook, as if to answer Gront's challenge. And from the ground burst forth...baby squid-like creatures with big eyes. "Aw! They're adorable!" shouted the ember mage. Gront blinked in surprise.