Noblesse Oblige 2.0

    Noblesse Oblige 2.0

    Version: 2.0
    Product Module: 2.0 Core Set
    Card Type: Treasure
    Equipment Type: Character Treasure
    Position: Right
    Effect: +1R ARM +1R STR

    When a model with Feint makes an offensive action, it may choose one dice from the target's defense roll and force them to reroll the result. (Arcade: Decrease ARM of target model by 1ST.)
      Eat All The Dumplings!
      At the end of Scenario 3: Food Fight or Scenario 4: Rescue Lily, have at least two dumpling tokens on Adzuki's card.

      When this quest is accomplished, equip the Obaa-San Dumpling equipment card on the reverse side of this card. It may remain equipped for the entire campaign, unless you choose to discard it.