Lord Vulcanis 2.0

    Lord Vulcanis 2.0

    Card Type: Boss Spawn
    Version: 2.0
    Product Module: 2.0 Core Set
    Dungeon Effects:
    Boss Fight Effects:
    Armory: Equip three Relic Items (in addition to any equipped due to remaining spawning points).

    Apprenticeships: Spawn six Forge Gnomes; one within two squares of each dungeon exit in the first tile and one within two squares of each dungeon exit in the last tile.
    Timeout Effect:
    Scrap Metal: All Heroes must randomly discard an equipped loot card, if able.
    Related Character(s):
    Flavor Text: Vulcanis fell from the Light before even the Dark Consul. A master smith upon the floating olyentos of Celestia, he crafted items of exquisite beauty and quality to adorn the wealthy and powerful. While those he served pursued the arts, philosophy, and knowledge, Vulcanis saw only the softening of the Celestian people. To him, they were a people too soft to take their rightful place as rulers of all Crystalia.

    In secret he began to craft fell weapons of war, and gather like-minded celestians to his cause. By the time of rise of the Dark Consul, Vulcanis and his followers had already gained significant power within the rulng chambers of Celestia. Vulcanis readily threw his support behind the Dark Consul. As he and his follower embraced the darkness, so did they fall. Their wings burned to ash upon their backs and their skin turned as hard and stoney as their hearts.

    Now, Vulcanis lords over arguably the strongest military forces within all the realms. Disciplined, trained, and battle-hardened through centuries of conflict, his Dark Celestian Legion only waits for the the opportune moment to strike!