Guth, The 2.0

    Guth, The 2.0

    Card Type: Boss Spawn
    Version: 2.0
    Product Module: 2.0 Core Set
    Dungeon Effects:
    Boss Fight Effects:
    Get 'em Boys: Spawn four spikers. Starting with the Consul, the Consul and the Party alternate placing Spikers on the dungeon until all four are placed. Spikers may not be placed within three squares of another Spiker or in the first tile.
    Timeout Effect:
    WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGHHH!!!: Place a Battle Frenzy token on every Orc, Goblin, and Gnoll except the dungeon boss. When a model would suffer one or more damage, it may discard a Battle Frenzy token to reduce the damage to zero.
    Related Character(s):
    Flavor Text: Leading a charge of Frostbyte Ravagers through Barrel Roll Pass, The Guth's speed and ferocity soon saw him outdistance his horde, isolated, and cutoff. Always choosing to go forward, The Guth carved his wasy to Clockwork Cove. Upon reaching the Undercove, he found the claustrophobic subterranean confines surprisingly delightful and soon began a merry hunt terrorizing the denizens.

    Initially, his rampage ran afoul of The Pauper Prince's gangs, Scrap Guild, and other feudal lords of the Undercove. But as he fought, the more anarchic and warlike inhabitants flocked to his banner and The Guth quickly established his own fiefdom below. Now, The Guth will occasionally cooperate with rival Undercove bosses, so long as the arrangement satisfies his primary concerns -- that the battle never ends and that his stable of prize hogs are given ample opportunity to feed on the results of the carnage.