Gnomish Excavator 2.0

    Gnomish Excavator 2.0

    Card Type: Boss Spawn
    Version: 2.0
    Product Module: 2.0 Core Set
    Dungeon Effects:
    Boss Fight Effects:
    Ammo Dump: The Consul places six crystal shell tokens anywhere in the dungeon. These tokens may not be placed within three squares of another crystal shell token.

    All Heroes gain the following action for the duration of this Boss Fight: 1R Firing Pin: Range 6, Massive Damage. This model must discard a crystal shell token from the square it is occupying in order to take this action.
    Timeout Effect:
    Cave-In: Each Hero must choose to suffer either two wounds or Immobile.
    Related Character(s):
    Flavor Text: Gnomes are not a subtle people, and their approach to mining reflects this. They frequently employ giant, steam-powered "excavator" that blow chunks of mountainside away with a huge cannon, leaving rubble that can be sorted through later. After all, anything that didn't survive the blast probably wasn't worth excavating anyway.

    The cannon uses specialized ammo built from crystal, with different crystals used for various purposes. Citrine shells for busting through hard granite, emerald shells for expanding and blowing away huge chunks of limestone in one go. But gnomes are prone to hyper-focusing on the task at hand, and are known to sometimes leave their explosive ammunition strewn about their work site. Work safety is not a gnomish priority.

    On occasion, a wayward band of Heroes will fall afoul of an Excavator. Sometimes the driver has fallen and been seduced by the Dark Consul. Sometimes the gnome is so focused on his task that he is willing to blow away any who come between him and his obsession. And sometimes he simply mistakes the Heroes for crystal thieves and can't hear their pleas to the contrary due to cannon-induced hearing loss.