Destroyer, The 2.0

    Destroyer, The 2.0

    Card Type: Boss Spawn
    Version: 2.0
    Product Module: 2.0 Core Set
    Dungeon Effects:
    Boss Fight Effects:
    Demonic Possession: The Consul selects a Hero to be possessed. The possessed Hero is controlled by the Consul and counts as an 8-Bit monster worth three skull points for all purposes. It activates on the Consul turn and may not use other Heroes' potions or equipment. If the possessed Hero is destroyed it permanently returns to the control of the party. The Hero's original controller brings it back into play during that turn's power-up adjacent to any other Hero without spending a Princess Coin.
    Timeout Effect:
    Your Goddess Has Forsaken You: All enemy Heroes discard all spent Princess Coins from their cards. All enemy Heroes without Princess Coins to discard suffer one wound.
    Related Character(s):
    Flavor Text: The Destroyer is a demon lord who lurks in the Nether Rifts. Unlike riftlings who have sacrificed some of their demonic nature in order to remain stable in Crystalia, The Destroyer is a pure demon who considers those who make such a choice to be corrupted and weak. Rather than adapting himself to Crystalia, he seeks to adapt Crystalia around himself. The Nether Rifts are only the beginning. He seeks to see all of Crystalia become like the Rifts and then set about swallowing it entirely into the demonic realm.

    He considers Crystalia and those who dwell there as weak and corrupted, even his riftling cousins. With his mighty axe and demonic flames, he will purge the corruption from this world and remake it, forged in demonic flames.

    The Destroyer meets weakness with rage, and leaves only ash in his wake.