Night Shift, The 2.0

    Night Shift, The 2.0

    Card Type: Warband
    Version: 2.0
    Product Module: 2.0 Core Set
    Play Mode: Arcade
    Solo Statline
    Actions: 2
    Strength: 2
    Range: 1
    Gang Statline
    Actions: 3
    Strength: 3
    Range: 2

    Gang Size: 2
    Warband Monster: Head Nurse
    Card Type: Demon
    Rank: Elite
    Model Size: Small
    Gender: Feminine
    Movement: 6
    Actions: 2
    Armor 1
      Warband Monster: Wretch
      Card Type: Demon
      Rank: Minion
      Model Size: Small
      Gender: Neither
      Movement: 6
      Actions: 1
      Armor 0
        Flavor Text: Head Nurses oversee other succubi, infiltrating and corrupting the mortal realm. They pose as healers, luring in those weary adventurers seeking shelter, comfort, and aid for their wounds.