Maleficent Idol 2.0

    Maleficent Idol 2.0

    Card Type: Warband
    Version: 2.0
    Product Module: 2.0 Core Set
    Play Mode: Arcade
    Solo Statline
    Actions: 0
    Strength: 0
    Range: 0
    Gang Statline
    Actions: 0
    Strength: 0
    Range: 0

    Gang Size: 1
    Warband Monster: Maleficent Idol
    Card Type: Spawning Point
    Model Size: Small
    Gender: Feminine
    Movement: 0
    Actions: 3
    Armor 2
      Flavor Text: Usually Araphel's dealings and worship are done in secret. Her followers move about in the shadows, applying subtle influence and spinning devious webs. However, there are places in the Dark Realm and the hidden corners of Crystalia where Araphel is worshipped openly. In these places a Maleficent Idol is erected in Araphel's honor, carved in her likeness with the chained heart that has come to signify devotion to her.