Clan Tanchyo Kaiken 2.0

    Clan Tanchyo Kaiken 2.0

    Card Type: Warband
    Version: 2.0
    Product Module: 2.0 Core Set
    Play Mode: Arcade
    Solo Statline
    Actions: 1
    Strength: 1
    Range: 4
    Gang Statline
    Actions: 1
    Strength: 2
    Range: 4

    Gang Size: 1
    Warband Monster: Clan Tanchyo Kaiken
    Card Type: Human
    Rank: Elite
    Model Size: Small
    Gender: Masculine
    Movement: 7
    Actions: 3
    Armor 2
      Flavor Text: For the Tanchyo, close-quarters fighting is rare. They live their lives among tree branches and rain arrows down on any who threaten their homes. But there are times that a blade is necessary. In such times, the Tanchyo call upon their Kaiken. Where other clans have swordsmen as the bulk of their forces, Tanchyo Kaiken are rare and highly trained. They are only called upon in the most dire of circumstances.