Forgotten by the Goddess 2.0

    Forgotten by the Goddess 2.0

    Card Type: Plot Card
    Version: 2.0
    Product Module: 2.0 Core Set
    Plot: Place four crystal tokens: two adjacent to different dungeon exits in the second tile and two adjacent to different dungeon exits in the third tile. A Hero may remove one of these tokens and place it on the Hero's card by taking an Interact action while sharing a square with the token. Once all crystal tokens are on a Hero card, discard this card from play.

    Heroes without a crystal token on its card may not heal.
    Flavor Text: The Midnight Tower's very architecture reflects its nature. The stone is pitted, slimy, and often crumbles under a light touch. The sinewy arches loom over intruders. The great halls are damp and oppressive. Some say the Goddess cannot even be felt there.