Gothmog the Terrible 2.0

    Gothmog the Terrible 2.0

    Card Type: MiniBoss
    Version: 2.0
    Product Module: 2.0 Core Set
    Play Mode: Arcade
    Solo Statline
    Actions: 3
    Strength: 4
    Range: 3
    Gang Statline
    Actions: 0
    Strength: 0
    Range: 0

    Gang Size: 1
    MiniBoss Monster: Gothmog the Terrible
    Card Type: Orc
    Rank: MiniBoss
    Model Size: Large
    Gender: Neither
    Movement: 6
    Actions: 9
    Armor 3
      Flavor Text: Gothmog once led the Ravagers as the tribe's brutal warlord. Under his ferocious rule, the Ravagers became infamous throughout the Frostbyte Reach. His rule was eventually undermined when Guth the Pig overthrew him with the aid of a small, feisty, cunning tribe of goblins. Disgraced by his defeat, Gothmog now serves as The Guth's lieutenant. He nurses his hatred for his new warlord, waiting for an opportune moment to topple him, and return to his former glory.