Ugg and Mugg Hug 2.0

    Ugg and Mugg Hug 2.0

    Card Type: Boss Challenge
    Version: 2.0
    Product Module: 2.0 Core Set
    Trap: If Ugg and Mugg are both still in play, Mugg moves 6 squares directly towards Ugg. Then Ugg moves 4 squares directly towards Mugg. Any Heroes that either Dungeon Boss moves through or stops on must be moved one square away and then they suffer a wound.
    Challenge: Ugg and Mugg gain Massive Damage to all of their attacks if they are on the same tile.
    Flavor Text: "Ugg! Look at dem 'eroes all smug."

    "Mugg! Yer right. We needs some jelly."
