May I Offer A Trade? 2.0

    May I Offer A Trade? 2.0

    Card Type: Boss Challenge
    Version: 2.0
    Product Module: 2.0 Core Set
    Trap: Each Hero with one or more equipped treasure must either suffer 2 wounds, or discard one treasure and draw a new treasure. The Hero that drew each treasure must either equip it or discard it; this treasure may not be placed in the backpack or onto another Hero.
    Challenge: The dungeon boss may not suffer more than one wound from a single action, such as critical hits or Massive Damage.
    Flavor Text: "So you're telling me you just found this sword in the dungeon? Just laying there, discarded. It's not a family heirloom? No? Eh. Bet I can do is a few coppers. Decide now and I throw in the lucky rat tail. Tick-tock."