Bat Winged Key! 1.0

    Bat Winged Key! 1.0

    Version: 1.0
    Product Module: 1.0 Core Set
    Card Type: Treasure
    Equipment Type: Character Treasure
    Position: Top
    Effect: +1R DEX, A model with Luck may gain a Potion instead of a Heart when rolled on the dice and vice versa. In addition, when opening a treasure chest they may draw two cards, from the treasure deck and equip one, discarding the other.

    A model with Luck may gain a Potion instead of a Heart when rolled on the dice and vice versa. In addition when opening a treasure chest they may draw two cards from the treasure deck and equip one, discarding the other.
      A model with Fly may ignore and move through squares containing enemy models, difficult terrain, and tile effects.

        Flavor Text: Flap, Flap, Flap, Flap, Flap, Flap, Flap