Claw Shrine FK

    Claw Shrine FK

    Card Type: Warband
    Version: FK
    Product Module: FK Core Set
    Play Mode: Arcade
    Solo Statline
    Actions: 0
    Strength: 0
    Range: 0
    Gang Statline
    Actions: 0
    Strength: 0
    Range: 0

    Gang Size: 1
    Warband Monster: Claw Shrine
    Card Type: Spawning Point
    Model Size: Small
    Gender: Neither
    Movement: 0
    Actions: 4
    Armor 1
    Immune: Status Effects
    A model that is Immune: Status Effects can never suffer the negative effects of status effects. If a model that is suffering a status effect gains Immune: Status Effects remove all status effect tokens immediately.
      Dragon Blessing
      Dragons, Drakes, and Kobolds within 2 squares of Claw Shrine gain +1ST STR
        Spawning Pool
        2x Claw Shrine (Spawning Point)
        2x Black Claw Assassin
        3x Claw Trainer
        6x Drake Hound

        Black Claws Gang
        Blood Trackers Gang
          Flavor Text: While the Cult of the Burning Star has its origins in the worship of the Ruby Dragon Starfire, similar cults have spread throughout Crystalia and encompass the worship of all the dragons. Established by Dragon Priests to enforce order, while venerating the dragon which they serve, Claw Shrines are imortant locations within any kobold warren. At the shrine, revered drake hatchlings are bonded with worthy kobolds to form vicious draconic packs that patrol the kobolds' territory. Ironscales who have proved themselves in battle are elevated to the rank of Templar--provided they can survive the ordeal of breaking a deadly Wyrmfang Raptor to be their mount. Most terrifying of all are the sinister Black Claw Assassins. Anointed by the Dragon Priests as the divine retribution of the dragon, they bring their masters wrath, and swift death, to all who would betray the cult.