Citrine Slime FK

    Citrine Slime FK

    Card Type: Creep
    Version: FK
    Product Module: FK Core Set
    Play Mode: Arcade
    Solo Statline
    Actions: 1
    Strength: 0
    Range: 1
    Gang Statline
    Actions: 0
    Strength: 0
    Range: 0

    Gang Size: 1
    Creep Monster: Citrine Slime
    Card Type: Slime
    Rank: Creep
    Model Size: Small
    Gender: Neither
    Movement: 5
    Actions: 1
    Armor 0
    If a Hero is on the same dungeon tile as a model with Insignificant it may be activated in addition to any other monsters that are activated during the Consul Turn. A model may not draw a loot card for destroying a model with Insignificant.
      When a model uses an action with Invader remove the model from play and place it on the target Hero's card. The Invader model may not voluntarily leave the Hero. The Hero suffers the effects of the Invader action as long as the Invader model remains on their card. Only the affected Hero may target or destroy Invader models on their card. The Invader is always considered in range. The Invader cannot be affected by area effects.
        Citrine Goop
        All elite and minon monsters gain the ability FIRE.
          Flavor Text: Citrine Slimes are not very good conversationalists. They are, however, exceptional at oozing and stinking of sulfur--mainly the stinking part. One splash or casual ooze-to-skin contact will doom a Hero to smelling bad for the rest of their days. While this is fine if you are Citrine Slime yourself, it is rarely appropriate for polite company.