Blessings of Strength 2.0 PP

    Blessings of Strength 2.0 PP

    Card Type: Plot Card
    Version: 2.0 PP
    Product Module: 2.0 Pet Parade
    Plot: Spawn six Creeps using the normal rules for spawning. While attacking, minion and elite monsters gain +1B to the offense roll for each Plot Creep adjacent to (or Invading) the target Hero, to a maximum of +3B. When the last Plot Creep is destroyed discard this plot and the Heroes draw one Loot.
    Flavor Text: Have you ever seen a kobold pick up a rattlebone and use it as a club? I have. Clobbered me something fierce with it, too. I never would have thought it would be so effective, but those things have tough skulls.