Armies from the Grave 2.0 PP

    Armies from the Grave 2.0 PP

    Card Type: Plot Card
    Version: 2.0 PP
    Product Module: 2.0 Pet Parade
    Plot: Spawn four Creeps within three squares of the SPAWNLOCATION square on the second tile. Discard this plot when there are no Plot Creeps in play. If the last Plot Creep to be destroyed is destroyed by a Hero, the party draws two Loot.

    Plot Creeps may leave the dungeon by moving out of any dungeon exit in the last tile. When a Plot Creep leaves the dungeon in this way it is destroyed and the Consul may spawn six additional Skull Points of monsters during that turn's power-up phase if one or more Creeps was destoyed in this way during the turn.
    Flavor Text: Why do they all have shovels?