Lost Coin, The 2.0 DI

    Lost Coin, The 2.0 DI

    Version: 2.0 DI
    Product Module: 2.0 DI Core Set
    Card Type: Loot
    Equipment Type: Character Loot
    Position: Top
    Effect: +1ST ARM +1R DEX

    Real Thing, The
    You may discard The Lost Coin at any time in order to add one Princess Coin to the backpack.
      Retrieve The Lost Treasure
      In any scenario, while Kiji is on a treasure pile square, trade four loot from the backpack in order to draw a treasure card.

      When this quest is accomplished, equip the Lost Coin equipment card on the reverse side of this card. It may remain equipped for the entire campaign, unless you choose to discard it.