Plots Within Plots 2.0

    Plots Within Plots 2.0

    Card Type: Difficulty Card
    Version: 2.0
    Difficulty Mode: Hard
    Product Module: 2.0 Core Set
    Card Effect: Draw a plot card during the Consul's power-up on turn 8. You may have more than one plot card in play at once. If both plot cards make use of crystal tokens, use another distinct token (such as a Fire token) to mark the crystal tokens associated with the second plot. Crystal tokens from the first plot will not affect the second plot, and vice versa.
    Flavor Text: The kidnapped prince is really the bad guy? But not completely bad, he was just pretending to be bad so he could pretend to kidnap himself and get into the tower? Which he is doing to avenge his father, only to find out he was adopted? I just came here for loot.