Ratchet of Nurses, A 2.0

    Ratchet of Nurses, A 2.0

    Card Type: Warband
    Version: 2.0
    Product Module: 2.0 Core Set
    Play Mode: Arcade
    Solo Statline
    Actions: 2
    Strength: 2
    Range: 1
    Gang Statline
    Actions: 3
    Strength: 3
    Range: 2

    Gang Size: 2
    Warband Monster: Potion Mistress
    Card Type: Demon
    Rank: Elite
    Model Size: Small
    Gender: Feminine
    Movement: 6
    Actions: 2
    Armor 1
      Warband Monster: Potion Mistress
      Card Type: Demon
      Rank: Elite
      Model Size: Small
      Gender: Feminine
      Movement: 6
      Actions: 2
      Armor 1
        Flavor Text: A Potion Mistress is a succubus with a talent for brewing potions and concoctions. They often serve under a Head Nurse, providing their superior with all of their newest and most devious brews. Make no mistake, they are not simple poisoners. Many of their potions have actual healing properties, but they often have the curious side effect of making the patient more susceptible to influence.