Rotten Seeds 2.0

    Rotten Seeds 2.0

    Card Type: Warband
    Version: 2.0
    Product Module: 2.0 Core Set
    Play Mode: Arcade
    Solo Statline
    Actions: 0
    Strength: 0
    Range: 0
    Gang Statline
    Actions: 0
    Strength: 0
    Range: 0

    Gang Size: 2
    Warband Monster: Bad Seed
    Card Type: Undead Kodama
    Rank: Elite
    Model Size: Large
    Gender: Either
    Movement: 6
    Actions: 2
    Armor 3
      Warband Monster: Rotten Cabbage
      Card Type: Undead Kodama
      Rank: Elite
      Model Size: Large
      Gender: Either
      Movement: 6
      Actions: 1
      Armor 1
        Flavor Text: Each spring the Deeproot Tree breathes life into countless sprouts. They travel Crystalia, settling down and blooming new life throughout the land. Most sprouts take root in fertile territory, where they can reach their full potential. But some find themselves deep in the Glauerdoom Moor. Even so, a sprout will sometimes take root in the oppressive, swampy waters and create a beacon of life and hope in that desperate and forgotten place. But all too often the sprout will be corrupted by the foul things that lurk in the moor. Often these seeds are planted and cultivated by Rotten Cabbages who want to see another servant for their lord, Nightsong the Eternal.