Withering Curse 2.0

    Withering Curse 2.0

    Card Type: Plot Card
    Version: 2.0
    Product Module: 2.0 Core Set
    Plot: Starting with the last tile and working backwards, place a crystal token adjacent to one dungeon exit in each tile. Repeat this until there are a number of crystal tokens equal to the number of Heroes. A Hero may remove one of these tokens and place it onto its card by taking the Interact action while sharing a square with the token. Once all crystal tokens are on Hero card, discard this card from play.

    At the start of every Consul Turn, every Hero without crystal token suffers one wound.
    Flavor Text: The weakness generally starts in the knees. Within a few days, the Hero can hardly lift a blade. Only those most dangerous to the Dark Consul suffer this curse, but there is a cure.