Idols of Rage 2.0

    Idols of Rage 2.0

    Card Type: Plot Card
    Version: 2.0
    Product Module: 2.0 Core Set
    Plot: Place three crystal tokens: two adjacent to different dungeon exits in the second tile and one adjacent to a dungeon exit in the third tile. A Hero may remove one of these tokens by taking an interact action while sharing a square with the token. After a crystal token is removed in this way, all monsters immediately perform the Fight command (this may interrupt the Heros' turn). Once all of these tokens are removed from play, discard this card.

    If a dungeon boss is in play, whenever it would receive the Fight command, the dungeon boss receives the Epic Fight command instead.
    Flavor Text: There are statues in the Midnight Tower that have been there so long, they have begun to absorb the power of the Dark Consul.