Curse of Decay, The 2.0

    Curse of Decay, The 2.0

    Card Type: Plot Card
    Version: 2.0
    Product Module: 2.0 Core Set
    Plot: Starting with the last tile and working backwards, place a crystal token adjacent to one dungeon exit in each tile. Repeat this until there are a number of crystal tokens equal to the number of Heroes. A Hero may remove one of these tokens and place it onto the Hero's card by taking an Interact action while sharing a square with the token. Once all crystal tokens are on a Hero card, discard this card from play.

    At the start of every Consul Turn, draw the top card of the loot deck. All Heroes in play without a crystal token discard all equipment that shares a slot with the drawn card. Then discard the card.
    Flavor Text: In some places, the dark power is so pervasive, it even rots steel.