See? Works Like A Charm 2.0

    See? Works Like A Charm 2.0

    Card Type: Boss Challenge
    Version: 2.0
    Product Module: 2.0 Core Set
    Trap: Attach this card to the Ruby equipment slot of the Hero with the most wrath. Discard any equipment from that slot and the Hero may no longer equip to that slot. The Hero with this card equipped gains +1G to all offense rolls, but suffers one wound for each Heart rolled during offense rolls.
    Flavor Text: "Did you read the fine print, there? The selling party, that'd be me, shall not be held accountable by the injured party, that'd be you, for any of the following: missing fingers, gouged eyes, scraped knees, burst pancreas (oof, that one's a doozy), broken limbs, hurt feelings, skull fractures..."